Ready To Cut CNC Art

People Bernie




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This old man almost kill my machine.
Program have serious issue, sometimes go to full speed (im my case direction Y- ).
That was horrible.
[gview][/gview] This program has a bug and my plasma has been compromised.
At one point in the firing of this image, the machine moved at full speed towards me, and only the buffers prevented it from overrunning the rails.
Im using translator. Pardon for possible spelling mistakes.
The photos show the place of the error according to me.
I had a machine come full speed at me once - luckily it blew a fuse - it was caused by a faulty connector to the encoder on a servo motor

its difficult to troubleshoot with images - upload your gcode file

the speed is not shown but there's nothing changing the speed so the machine should move at one set speed in the code shown in the images

I typed in the highlighted section of code and it looks normal

g2 x218.250963 y262.296403 i-13.473678 j10.412578
g3 x213.629471 y258.940686 i2420.683655 j-3338.625433
g3 x210.385369 y256.266358 i20.381981 j-28.029217

the highlighted code forms an arc
This is it i think


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I don't see anything wrong with that gcode file - except it stays at Z 0 and has no kerf compensation or F commands - so its not a working gcode file

and its not the same as your screenshot - your screenshot has m71 and m74 codes - and different numbers

Yes. First image was prepared quickly and i not notice that, sorry, (M71/M74) was for gas cutting, but i using plasma (M3/M5)
Last file is prepared as it should and as it was. Even rotate is just like when i burn this program.
hmmm, there's one M3 at the beginning and one M5 at the end of the file, and two G0 between cuts, so I have no idea how that controls the torch, piercing, speed, kerf compensation and such - or why cut bernie with gas - or why switch code - or what program has a bug - or what happened to your machine

the vector files are good - you can open the SVG in a web browser - you can open the DXF at - as shown in the app below

[raw]<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" scrolling="no"> </iframe>[/raw]
I knows it's complicated.
Soon i will write all history and translate.
But i have answer for all questions.
I can't put the M5 in the right places. Yes, I'm too lazy to type manually.
I hope the photos will show how it happened
IMG_20220920_061811.jpg IMG_20220920_061903.jpg
I am not a programmer and I accidentally managed to add M3 in between details.
But its works
IMG_20220920_062309.jpg IMG_20220920_062419_1.jpg
instead of typing M5 into the program, I manually stop the machine at the end of each part and jump to the next
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